Count Your Blessings This Thanksgiving
So often, this time of year you hear phrases like “Count your Blessings” or “Give Thanks.” Maybe you contemplate what you are really thankful for. We spend time with friends and family and remember all the things we have been given in this country. Our freedoms. Our opportunities. Our loved ones. “Give Thanks” is a core value at Party Reflections and is something we like to focus on all throughout the year.
Working in the event industry, we often find ourselves in high stress situations with time sensitive deadlines. This type of environment can challenge attitudes and therefore challenge your success. When faced with daunting tasks, our team members are encouraged to stop and find something to be thankful for. It has been said that it is not happy people that are thankful, but it is THANKFUL people that are happy. At Party Reflections we are very thankful for our customers and the opportunities we have to create lasting memories together.

Great relationships have been formed within the company as we together produce these events. Because we are actually friends and are thankful for the opportunity to gather as a family, the Charlotte team recently shared a potluck lunch together that gave each team member the opportunity to bring a favorite dish. It was great to share a meal and a enjoy a broad range of wonderful, culinary expertise. Nothing says Thanksgiving like a big casserole of homemade macaroni and cheese. As the PR team, we strive to have a real family spirit and realize it takes every person to make us the company we are. As a family owned company, we strive to always keep it personal and real no matter how large we grow. I myself am thankful for the amazing team of professionals that I get to work with each day. It is clear there are a lot of thankful people at Party Reflections because there are a lot of HAPPY people at Party Reflections.
Stopping to give thanks on purpose does not always come natural but is a habit that can be trained and developed. Like any habit, the more you do it the more it becomes a natural expression of who you are. It starts with an “attitude of gratitude.” So often people think life and everything in it owes them something. The reality is that an attitude of entitlement can leave you sad and alone fighting for everything. Once we recognizing the incredible opportunity we have each day to create the life we desire, giving thanks becomes easy. Start with a deep breath and giving thanks for the air in your lungs. Then open your eyes and look around at what you have to be thankful for. Count your blessings, don’t magnify your problems. It will change your outlook and lift your countenance. Happy Thanksgiving.